Keeping your referrals up to date in your HomeLight agent portal is vital to stay in good standing in the HomeLight algorithm for future referral opportunities. The agent portal offers a variety of stages to keep your referrals up-to-date and accurate.
Agent Left Voicemail - This stage is for any referral you have not yet connected with. This includes leaving a voicemail, sending a text, and sending an email.
Connected - This stage is for once you've successfully connected with a client. This can be via text, email, and/or a phone call.
Meeting Scheduled - You've secured an upcoming in-person meeting with the client. Let us know when the meeting is scheduled for.
Met in Person - You've had a successful meeting with the client.
Coming Soon - You have a signed listing agreement with the client, but it's not yet on the market. Update the referral to Coming Soon and note the list date. The system will automatically update the referral to "Listing" on the set date.
Listing - Your referral is active on the market.
In Escrow - You are under contract with the home. Once you select this stage, you'll be prompted for the sale price and close date. Once saved, the system will automatically send you the closing documents.
Closed - Update to this stage once the property has successfully closed.
Failed - This referral was not a good fit, and/or you're no longer working with the client.