Turn Offers On and Off

Managing the HomeLight Listing Management Offers Feature

Disclosures.io is the best way to submit and receive offers.

  • Streamlined process
  • Clean and professional presentation 
  • Up to the minute insight on the status of your offer or listing

Managing Offers Feature

When you are setting up a disclosure package on Disclosures.io, the Offers feature is automatically turned on. 

Most Listing Agents set the expectation that they expect to receive offers via  Disclosures.io on the cover sheet of their Disclosures package. 

🔎 Click here for more info on How to Edit Your Coversheet

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If you decide not to receive offers through Disclosures.io, you will need to manually turn the feature off for your listing. To turn the Offers feature off, open your Disclosure package, click on the Settings Tab in the property package and unselect the box under Receive Offers. 

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Q: Can I turn the Offers feature back on after I have turned it off?

  • A: Yes. You'll be able to turn the Offers feature on should you decide to receive offers via HomeLight Listing Management during your transaction. 

Q: Who will be able to see offers that I receive?

  • A: Only those users who have access to the property package as a listing team member will be able to see offers that are received. 
         🔎 Who to Share Your Package With

Q: Can I share offers with a Seller?

  • A: Yes, if you are a pro user you have the ability to share offers with your sellers! They will be able to see the same information as you but they will have a read-only view. To invite your seller to review offers select the Share Package button and change the Role to Seller, enter your client's information and share the package with them. 
         🔎 HomeLight Listing Management for Sellers

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