Responding to Offers

Quickly respond to offers received in

As a Listing agent, when you receive offers via HomeLight Listing Management (HLM) you have the ability to respond to them. You have a couple of options for a response. You can:

  • Send a Message
  • Accept an Offer

How It’s Done

Go to the OFFERS tab within your package, then click the blue RESPOND TO OFFER button.


Send Message

Choosing the SEND MESSAGE option will allow you to send a direct message to the buyer agent.

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An automatic subject line will populate but can be customized. Then proceed to apply your message. Click, SEND RESPONSE.

Accept an Offer

Choosing the ACCEPT OFFER option allows you to inform the buyer agent that their offer is being accepted. 

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Next, you’ll see a preview of the message you are sending to the agent’s offer you are accepting on the left. To the right, by selecting the option to “send message to declined parties” you’ll be able to enter a subject line and message to the agents whose offers are not being accepted. Once you have reviewed your outgoing messaging, proceed to SEND RESPONSE.

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NOTE: All other offers, with exception of the accepted offer, will be declined and archived. The declined parties will lose access to the property packet. 

Once you have sent the response to accept the offer you’ll see that an IN CONTRACT tag is added to the property package and that there is an “ACCEPTED” label added to the offer. 

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To add additional documents like the signed offer or any other outstanding documents select the EDIT option in the offer.

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Q: What happens to the other offers after I accept an offer?

  • A: You will still be able to view the other offers that were submitted by using the “filter” menu on the offers page and selecting “Archived”. 

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Q: How do I add more documents to my property package?

  • A: When a property is in contract this will make the disclosure documents read-only. If you want to add additional documents for review and signature, add them to the offer by using the edit option. This will allow the buyer agent to view and access any new documents pertaining to the transaction.

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Q: This deal fell out of contract; how do I change the status and let everyone that had access previously back into the package?

  • A: If your deal has fallen out of contract you can select the “UNACCEPT” option in the offer. Unaccepting an Offer will do 2 things:
    • Restore all declined Offers from the Archive
    • Return property access to all Buyer Agents and Buyers. 

NOTE: You will need to notify the other agents that the property is back on the market, the system will not notify them automatically. 

Q: I have a counteroffer I want to upload to an offer submitted to one of my packages?

  • A: To submit a counter offer you will need to ‘VIEW OFFER’ and select ’EDIT’. Then upload the counteroffer details. You can also edit the fields within the "summary of terms" in the event that the counteroffer includes any adjustment to the terms.

Q: I manually added an offer to my listing package, why am I unable to respond to the offer? 

  • A: Responding to an offer is only available when a buyer’s agent submits an offer through HomeLight Listing Management. If you manually added the offer the buyer agent cannot see the offer details when reviewing the package.