🎥 Offers Management Features and Best Practices

Offers Management: Learn each feature in HomeLight Listing Management that can be best utilized during the phase of Receiving, Submitting, & Managing Offers.

The third and near-final stage of a normal real estate transaction is Offers Management. Our offers tool is built for both Buyer Agents and Listing Agents.

Each agent, depending on their role in that deal, will have a unique set of abilities around offers. The agent in the appropriate role will be able to either submit an offer, or receive, negotiate, accept, or decline offers easily and in one place. 

This, of course, is a very important part of the deal that has absolutely no room for errors. We respect and understand the importance of sending and receiving offers. Because of this, agents often ask a fair amount of questions about what “offers management” means in HomeLight Listing Management.

We understand this completely. Submitting and accepting offers through a website is not exactly normal, and it’s hard to trust. Of course, we built this tool with SO much care and attention to detail. This training video will walk you through the features and their security. 

What is an offer on HomeLight Listing Management?

An offer on HomeLight Listing Management is a summary of terms that is created by the buyer agent that must include the paperwork required by the listing agent and/or their brokerage. 

In other words, instead of piecing together and sending your offer in a PDF through email, you’re sending it to Disclosures.io, in a more beautiful, professional, and seamless experience.

Watch this video to learn each feature in HomeLight Listing Management that can be best utilized during the phase of Receiving, Submitting, & Managing Offers.

Click the titles below to view the step-by-step guides to each feature covered in the video: 
đź“– Submit an Offer
đź“– Accept an Offer
đź“– Pro Features