BCC Message Interested Parties
As a listing agent, you may want to send a message out to interested buyer parties letting them know of important changes or when you’ll be reviewing offers. Pro users can quickly craft and send out a message to buyer parties directly from their property package. All messages sent via Disclousres.io are sent out BCC so you don’t need to worry about others knowing who else is receiving the message.
Should an agent or buyer reply to the email that is sent out, that reply will be delivered directly to your regular email inbox so you can carry on the conversation as needed.
How It’s Done
Step 1 - Navigate to your Property Package
Step 2- Go to the Messages Tab
Step 3 - Select Send Message
The Send Message button will be a teal button below the filters in the messaging tab. When selected a pop-up modal will appear allowing you to craft the message.

Step 3 - Select Message Recipients
Placing your cursor into the recipient field will allow you to select from a group. You can also manually select the emails of users that have been given access to the property package.

Step 4 - Edit the Subject and Craft Your Message
Placing your cursor into the subject and message fields will allow you to enter text and craft your message to interested buyer parties. Once you’re done hit send.

What’s next?
Save your message as a template. Once you’re done writing your message you can choose to save it as a template. This will allow you to select the template for other properties.

Q: How do I know the message sent?
- A: You’ll get an email from Disclosures.io confirming that your messages were sent.
Q: Where will buyer parties get the message?
- A: All messages sent via Disclosures.io will be sent to the agent’s regular email inbox.
Q: If someone replies to my message where can I find their reply?
- A: Should an agent or buyer reply to the email that is sent out, that reply will be delivered directly to your regular email inbox so you can carry on the conversation as needed.