Q: Can I use HomeLight Listing Management without a subscription?
A: Yes, we have a wonderful free version that will allow you to create, manage, share, and receive offers. Some features will not be available without a Pro subscription.
Q: Can I use HomeLight Listing Management on more than one computer?
A: Yes. To ensure that you are accessing the correct account be sure to log in with the same email address across all devices.
Q: What is the difference between the Annual subscription plan and the Monthly subscription plan?
A: The annual subscription plan requires a one-year commitment and is our best value. It comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee for new subscription sign ups. The monthly subscription plan gives you the flexibility to stop and restart your subscription without being tied to a year-long contract or a cancellation fee.
Q: How do I cancel my Monthly or Annual Subscription?
A: For more information on how to cancel your subscription please see our help desk article here.
For monthly and annual subscribers, your subscription will automatically renew every month or year until you cancel in your account settings under billing. You must cancel one day PRIOR to the renewal date. Previous charges are not refunded, but you may continue to use the service until the end of the term paid for.
If you are a new annual subscriber and cancel your annual plan after 14 days, you’ll be charged for 1 month of service. If you are canceling your annual plan after 30 days you will be issued a one-time prorated refund based on days of usage.
Q: My Annual Subscription was renewed, how do I get a refund?
A: A reminder email will be sent to you 7 days prior to your annual subscription renewal date. If you cancel one day prior to the renewal date you will not be charged. If you are canceling your annual plan after the renewal date you may continue to use the service until the end of the term paid for. Please reach out to support@disclosures.io to see if you are eligible for a refund.